Hi, my name is Analise :3 My website is currently under construction so please
wait patiently as I'm currently learning html and css (and hopefully javascipt soon...) But in the mean
time I kindly redirect you to my
carrd that I'm using as my
portfolio website if you'd still be interested in seeing my work muehehehehe
A little bit about me is that I am a Filipino queer artist :D I recently graduated with an associates
of arts in fashion design, so I will be using my website as both portfolio and personal blog.
Here's a list of things I plan on sharing on my website!
- Sewing Projects and documentation of my process
- My art and drawings ofc :^)
- Pictures and videos from my 3DS
- Random blog posts about my day
- And of course a weekly top 3 song list :D (i love sharing music)
I guess for now, I can just start off with the weekly top 3 song lists.
For this week's top 3 songs!
- Pranks Against Humanity by Kaizo Slumber
- LSD by Trippple Nippples
- Magic Girl by Orange Caramel